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Some facts about Manuka Honey...

Most questions we receive are of a similar nature and stem from a general confusion at the amount of information in the industry.  This is one of the reasons we started sourcing our own Manuka, direct from the hives in New Zealand.  The facts are quite simple, so we've listed some of the important ones for you...


What makes Manuka Honey different to any other honey?


The active ingredient that makes Manuka Honey special is called MethylGlyOxal, or MGO.  MGO is a naturally-occurring, anti-microbial chemical that is only present in Manuka Honey.  Always ensure that any Manuka you buy clearly advertises this number.  The higher the MGO, the higher the strength of the anti-microbial activity.


What is the difference between MutliFloral and MonoFloral Manuka?


To be classed as a Manuka Honey product, 4 naturally-occurring markers are tested for (3-PLA, 2-MAP, 2MBA & 4-HPLA), along with the DNA of the pollen content.  The presence of all 4 markers guarantees that the honey is pure Manuka and can therefore be graded on the levels of these markers, in order to score the potency.


MonoFloral Manuka is tested to meet high levels of 2 of the 4 naturally-occurring markers (3-PLA & 2-MAP), but must also show at least 1mg/kg of the other markers, which can only happen if the honey bees are predominantly visiting Manuka bushes.  The ratings for MonoFloral Manuka generally start from 80-100MGO and go right up to 850MGO.


As the name suggests, a MultiFloral Manuka is derived from a hive where the bees have access to a range of pollen sources, including Manuka.  The 3-PLA marker must indicate between 20-399mg/kg is present, with at least 1mg/kg present in the other 3 markers.


The MGO of MultiFloral Manuka is generally lower than MonoFloral and the prices are cheaper too, making MultiFloral a good choice for everyday use.


​What strength Manuka Honey should I be using?


It depends on the application and desired outcome.  Manuka has a range of uses and can be good for skincare, anti-ageing, anti-viral / anti-bacterial, natural food/drink sweetener, as a dietary supplement, workout fuel, wound-care, amino-acid booster or some people just like the taste.  The American FDA describes anything about 100MGO to be of 'Medical Grade'.  Honey is well-documented to fight against coughs and colds, as can be seen here...


For every-day use, we'd recommend our MonoFloral 100MGO, which comes in 3 sizes.  For a boost at the end of Summer, we'd recommend our MonoFloral 350MGO to help keep bugs at bay.  If you're in the throngs of a bad cold, pick up a jar of our high-strength MonoFloral 500MGO to ease the symptoms and get back to normal.


Should I be looking for UMF, NPA, K-Factor or DHA values in my Manuka Honey?


Quite simply; Not really.


For centuries, Manuka Honey has been used across New Zealand for its health-beneficial properties, without rating systems.  When Manuka started to be exported on a large scale in the 1970's-1980's, differing products came onto the market.  Confusion over the labelling ensued, which lead to the use of a multitude of abbreviations. 


In December 2017, New Zealand's MPI (Ministry for Primary Industries) set a list of requirements for the testing and export of honey, unifying the apiaries under the same regulations.  It was decided that the rating system would be based on the active ingredient that makes Manuka Honey different to all other world honeys; MGO.


You should always buy regulated, tested honeys, from a known source (preferably registered with MPI), who are happy to share the test reports with you, on request.  If you want to see ours - ask!


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